Local Governing Body

Welcome to Boughton Heath Academy Local Governing Body

Boughton Heath Academy (BHA) is part of the multi-academy trust known as Cheshire Academies Trust (CAT). Our governing body at BHA works from the Scheme of Delegation by the Trust Board of CAT and is known as the Local Governing Body. Governance of BHA is split between those matters decided at CAT level and those matters delegated to the Local Governing Body.

Our governors come from various walks of life, including parents, staff and members of the community. Governors will serve a 4-year term of office and a maximum of two terms. Trustees can, in exceptional circumstances, authorise up to a maximum of a further single third term of office. The Local Governing Board is constituted in accordance with the requirements set out by CAT which shall include:

Up to 2 staff governors,
At least 2, and up to 4, parent governors,
Up to 8 co-opted governors,
The role of the governing body is strategic, not operational. The day-to-day running of the school is for the Principal rather than for governors. We have three main responsibilities:

  • To set the vision and values of the school;
  • To hold the Principal to account for the performance of the school;
  • To manage the school's finances.
  • We also consider it very important that we listen to our stakeholder voice.

The governing body supports the school but also challenges it to maintain and improve standards for the benefit of all pupils. We do this by getting to know the school and the wider educational context, reading meeting paperwork and attending meetings where we ask questions to ensure that the best possible decisions are made for the benefit of the children in the school, attending training and development events to improve our skills and knowledge and adhering to the trust’s code of conduct.

Our governing body meets at least nine times a year as a full governing body. From time to time we may have various sub-committees, for example a committee to deal with performance related pay, and / or working groups to look in more detail at specific issues that arise in our school.

As well as attending meetings and training courses, governors visit the school through 'link' visits, during which we consider the focus area for which we are a link between the school and the governing body. The link areas may change because they are driven by the school's strategic and development plan and priorities. At the moment, we have link governors for areas including Safeguarding, Finance, Health and Safety, SEND, Data Protection, Pupil Premium and Looked After Children, Governor Training and Strategy and School Development. During link visits, governors learn how policies are being implemented and speak to staff (including subject leaders) and if appropriate, pupils.

As governors we also learn more about the broader life of the school by joining information evenings to parents to learn how subjects are being taught, or by attending performances. We also evaluate feedback from parents, pupils and staff through surveys.

The information that we gather through link visits, surveys and other visits combines with the school's own data, national test results, reports from the Principal, reports from external education advisers and the questions we ask in governing body meetings provide the evidence for our decision making as a governing body.

Meeting dates for 2023 - 24

Meeting dates for 2023 - 24 are as follows:

Wednesday 27th September 2023

Wednesday 18th October 2023

Monday 22nd November 2023

Wednesday 24th January 2024

Wednesday 28th February 2024

Wednesday 27th March 2024

Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Wednesday 26th June 2024

Wednesday 17th July 2024

Contact the Boughton Heath Academy governors

If you have any ideas or comments for the governors in relation to the strategy or vision of the school, please do get in touch with us at kate.lee@boughtonheath.cheshire.sch.uk

Any questions regarding the day to day running of the school should be addressed to the Principal in the first instance

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Happy to hear from you!

Boughton Heath AcademyBeckett's Lane, Chester, CH3 5RW

Get In Touch

By Phone 01244 732000 By Email admin@boughtonheath.cheshire.sch.uk Contact

Mrs Levi and Miss Pearson

Admin Officers

Who We Are

We are proud to be a part of
Cheshire Academies Trust.

Principal | Jon Lenton

Chair of Governors | Kate Lee

SENDCO | Susan Gell