
The Maths curriculum at Boughton Heath is carefully designed and planned by our teachers who believe every child has the capacity to succeed in maths. We teach for mastery, following a research backed programme called PowerMaths, believing that maths really is for everyone. The mastery approach recognises the value of developing the power to think rather than just do.  It also recognises the value of making a coherent journey in which whole-class groups tackle concepts in very small steps, one by one.  You cannot build securely on loose foundations – and it is just the same with maths by creating a solid foundation of deep understanding, our children's skills and confidence will be stong and secure.

Sequencing and Progression

The documents at the bottom of this page outline the mapping and sequencing of the maths curriculum at Boughton Heath, as well as thew calculation policies for each phase of school. 

Further resources

In additon to quality teaching, we use the following resources to support our children's mathematical understanding within school. 

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Boughton Heath AcademyBeckett's Lane, Chester, CH3 5RW

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Mrs Levi and Miss Pearson

Admin Officers

Who We Are

We are proud to be a part of
Cheshire Academies Trust.

Acting Executive Headteacher | Jon Lenton

Acting Head of School | Sally Sumnall

Chair of Governors | Kate Lee

SENDCO | Susan Gell