
The staff,  local governors of Boughton Heath Academy and Trustees of Cheshire Academies Trust regularly review the school policies to ensure that practice is consistent throughout the school and that all pupils' needs are being met. Please find below some of the school policies which may be relevant to you. If you require these policies in a different format, please contact the school. If you do not find the policy you are looking for, please contact us. All Cheshire Academies Trust policies can be found underneath as well.

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Happy to hear from you!

Boughton Heath AcademyBeckett's Lane, Chester, CH3 5RW

Get In Touch

By Phone 01244 732000 By Email admin@boughtonheath.cheshire.sch.uk Contact

Mrs Levi and Miss Pearson

Admin Officers

Who We Are

We are proud to be a part of
Cheshire Academies Trust.

Principal | Jon Lenton

Vice Principal | Sally Sumnall

Chair of Governors | Kate Lee

SENDCO | Susan Gell